
Projoba Probacillus Plus™ – 60 capsules

$36.99 $29.95

Probacillus Plus™ is a blend of natural essential strains of bacilli specifically formulated to establish natural intestinal balance and promote healthy digestion and regularity. These ‚Äúfriendly bacteria‚Äù 4 billion strong promote a healthy intestinal balance which can become degraded by candida travel and the effects of aging.* RECOMMENDED USAGE: Take 2 capsules daily or more as needed. CAUTION: For adults only. Keep out of reach of children. Consult your health care professional before using if you are pregnant nursing a baby. or are taking any prescription medications. In case of accidental overdose call a physician or poison control center immediately. Store at room temperature and avoid excess heat above 104¬∞ F (40¬∞ C).


Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Dextrose, Magnesium Stearate and Vegetarian Capsule.

SKU: PJ435 Category: